IT Soluscope

Real-time endoscope tracking

When connected to your Soluscope reprocessing equipment, IT Soluscope provides complete visibility of your fleet of endoscopes in real time. It also informs you of the status of your endoscope inventory and provides secure storage of all traceability data.
The collected data are stored automatically and can be consulted at any moment for secured traceability.


Ergonomic and easy-to-use, the IT Soluscope interface provides quick access to all essential information. The search function enables prioritisation of endoscopes to be used, their location and visualisation of their status. Simply click on the IT Soluscope panel screen conveniently located in the working room to know the real-time status of all your equipment.


Remote control of your equipment

IT Soluscope allows you to access your equipment remotely. The Soluscope hotline service immediately connects to your infrastructure and provides a detailed diagnosis to maintain your activity and minimise the non-operating period of your device. Soluscope traceability enhances your processoptimises your working time and provides all the information you need.