Rotator Polypectomy Snare Standard - Oval


The Rotator Polypectomy Snare – Standard Oval is an oval polypectomy snare that rotates clockwise and counterclockwise with one-handed manipulation for individualized orientation, addressing a variety of anatomical findings.

Features & benefits

How the Rotator Polypectomy Snare – Standard Oval works

The standard oval polypectomy snare is designed to be used endoscopically to grasp, dissect and transect tissue during gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopic procedures. This single-use standard size snare helps to remove difficult to reach polyps. Its rotating functionality allows for greater control and precise during resection.

Why the Rotator Polypectomy Snare – Standard Oval?

  • Large oval polypectomy snare size is available in 25mm x 54mm
  • Single-use oval snare design helps to promote patient safety
Product information
Sheath Diameter Length

Approxi-  mate Snare Size

Active Cord Connecion Unit/Box
2.4mm 230cm 2.5x5.4cm Olympus Style 10