Duomed NL commitment to ESG

ESG goals Duomed The Netherlands
Duomed team

The healthcare sector is responsible for about 4,4% of greenhouse gas emissions and 5 million tons of waste worldwide each year. Although healthcare is meant to improve health, the current significant impact on the environment creates a paradox. 

As a leading distributor of medical solutions in Europe, Duomed plays an important role between production and consumption. Our unique position gives us the opportunity to make the healthcare market more sustainable. We are committed to taking responsible business action to break this healthcare paradox and create the healthier and more sustainable world we all want.

UN goals

Since March 2023, Duomed Group is a proud member of the United Nations Global Compact, aligning our operations and strategy with their 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Within our 3 ESG pillars below, we contribute to 7 topics of their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For the assessment and management of our sustainability practices, we plan to work with the EcoVadis platform. 
EcoVadis will help us manage ESG risk and compliance, meet our corporate sustainability goals, and drive impact at scale by guiding the sustainability performance improvement of our company.

We are proud to have attained EcoVadis certification for Duomed France Endoscopie (Gold), Duomed France Solutions (Bronze) and Duomed Scandinavia (Gold) and aim for certification for Duomed Group by 2024.


Duomed The Netherlands

In the Dutch market there is a focus on minimizing packaging, certified and recyclable materials, eliminating and phasing out unwanted substances in products as well as on sustainable solutions in relation to transportation and manufacturing of products.

oorkonde green deal

By signing the Green Deal Duurzame zorg (Green Deal 3.0) in May of 2024,  Duomed The Netherlands commits to take concrete actions. This means focus on health promotion, knowledge & awareness, reducing CO2 emissions and promote circular and economical use of materials. Which is in line with our sustainability strategy.

At Duomed The Netherlands, we strongly believe in working together with our customers and suppliers to make a difference to benefit us all. We work hard to track and reduce our own carbon footprint and waste. We undertake actions and have goals identified in terms of our infrastructure, fleet, warehouse and logistics, waste management and product range.

Cliniclowns donatie

We also want to give something back to our community. That's why we collaborate with statiegeldnederland.nl and EEKo CCC B.V. to donate the profit of our cans and cartridges to Cliniclowns, a non-profit organization of 'Health Care Clowns', came about. With creativity, humor and improvisation, they do everything in their power to give sick children and people with disabilities a carefree moment. We are happy to support this wonderful project and we keep on collecting!

Our partners

Aside to our own efforts, we also work closely together with our suppliers to find new and innovative solutions to reduce and find more sustainable packaging and product materials. We encourage our partners to put sustainability high on the agenda, we promote ISO 14001 and FSC certification* (some are already certified) and ECO-label and encourage them to set goals for how they will reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a circular economy model.

Sustainability Duomed

Get in touch with our sustainability

Do you have additional questions about our sustainable products or would like to provide feedback? We believe in continuously learning and growing as well as listening to our customers and partners' challenges and needs. 

Do not hesitate to contact us by clicking the button below, we are more than happy to address your questions and discuss how we can contribute to your ESG goals.