Cascade IOMAX - IONM system

Cascade IOMAX is a robust IONM system designed to withstand the environmental hazards of the operating room

The modular design of Cascade IOMAX allows users to tailor their IONM setup to the specific requirements of each surgery. The comprehensive design of the Cascade IOMAX with Cascade Surgical Studio software provides seamless multi-modality monitoring, captures critical information, delivers clinical excellence and strengthens documentation.

Flexible channel configurations cover the needs of every procedure type from ENT and orthopedic spine to more complex neurosurgery cases. Cortical and Limb Modules are waterproof and drop-tested with durable rubber bumpers.

Solution Guide

The Cascade Solution Guide is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the hardware, carts, supplies, accessories, and electrodes that Cadwell offers to support Cascade IOMAX IONM system.

Clic Here to open it

The Cascade IOMAX Cortical Module is designed for close proximity to the patient’s head

Use the Cortical Module solo, or combine it with up to four Limb Modules. Configure the IOMAX system from eight to 80 channels. The Cortical Module features:

  • 16 recording channels
  • TCS-9 for dynamic montaging of transcortical MEPs
  • Low Current stimulation
  • Auditory stimulation
  • Visual stimulation
Cascade IOMAX Base Module provides power and communication

…via a single SafeT® cable to the modules at the OR table, and allows Trigger In/Out interfacing with third-party devices.

The IOMAX Limb Module is designed for recording and stimulating the arms and legs

Use one or two Limb Modules independently, or combine one to four Limb Modules with the Cortical Module. Each IOMAX Limb Module offers eight recording channels, five paired E-Stim outputs, SpO2, and heart rate.

The new IOMAX 32-channel amplifier records EEG and direct cortical SSEPs

The IOMAX 32-channel amplifier can be added to any existing IOMAX configuration, or connected directly to the IOMAX Base Module.

LCSwap is a comprehensive switch matrix solution for direct cortical stimulation

Twelve outputs can be independently assigned as anode or cathode; it also includes two paired outputs for hand-held probes.