PULL THRU™ Cleaning Brush

The PULL THRU™ Cleaning Brush products are available in a range of sizes to cover a wide range of scope channel IDs. Brushes come in standard lengths as outlined below.

A Revolutionary Single Use Endoscope Channel Cleaning Brush

Designed to significantly reduce the time required to manually clean endoscope channels and to improve the overall efficacy of the cleaning process. 

The wiper design of the PULL THRU™ Cleaning Brushes provides a complete circumferential seal in the endoscope channel, thereby removing almost all soil in a single pass with its “5 Cleaning Actions." 

Scientifically proven, it significantly improves the efficacy of the cleaning process when compared to traditional bristle brushes.


“Much easier for the user, Essd staff suffer from repetitive strain injuries i.e. shoulders, back etc. we find the brushes are alleviating this problem. Good vacuum in the scopes when using the brushes hence leaving the enzymatic water soak in the channel after brushing. Very satisfied that the brush is doing a good job especially when you see soil been removed. It does speed up the cleaning process to a degree: old brushes each channel x 3 times or as needed until the scope is clean.”

- User from Ireland

Clinical evidence

The PULL THRU™ Cleaning Brush was created to effectively clean channelled instruments. The below studies feature the PULL THRU Cleaning Brush and show how it is more efficacious than other cleaning brushes.

2021 - PullThru Comparison Study

This study aimed to determine the most effective cleaning device among three different types of brush. The results indicate that the PullThru device is the most effective of the three at removing contamination from the internal channels of endoscopes, demonstrating a 93% greater efficacy than the Single Headed Brush and a 79% greater efficacy than the Double Headed Brush.

2021 - Report PULL THRU™ Cleaning Brush

The PULL THRU Cleaning Brush is more effective than the regular brush both in undamaged biopsy channels and channels with a kink.

2017- Frontiers in Medicine

This study investigated the sampling of duodenoscope channels. Though not directly related to the cleaning capabilities of the PULL THRU Cleaning Brush, the study provided some interesting findings.


2017 - Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

In this study, the Authors reprocessed endoscopes each day for five days, storing them wet overnight to facilitate biofilm growth. A range of detergents and cleaning brushes were used to see which would give the best results in the manual cleaning process.

2012 - Birmingham Study, University Hospitals

The Birmingham study assessed the performance of the PULL THRU™ after one pass through a pre contaminated channel against a bristle brush after five passes through the channel using a Ninhydrin test to measure detectable protein and a visual inspection was made to detect soil.

2011 - Deventer Study

The Deventer study compared the amount of protein removal in the channel of a range of colonoscopies after brushing with a reusable bristle brush, a single use bristle brush and a PULL THRU™.

2007 - Charlton Study, Australian Infection Control

The Charlton study measured the weight of pre-loaded soil removed after a single pass of PULL THRU™ versus six passes of various bristle brushes.