Center of Radiology in Rixensart benefits from Stephanix D²RS Table: Insights from Dr. Morimont

At the Center of Radiology in Rixensart, the Stephanix D2RS radiology table has been in use for some time, delivering impressive results in both diagnostic accuracy and patient care. Dr. Morimont, a leading radiologist and responsible at the center, shares his experience with this advanced technology, highlighting the significant improvements it has brought.


A thoughtful transition to advanced digital Radiology

Reflecting on the center's journey towards advanced digital radiology, Dr. Morimont explained that the decision to upgrade to the Stephanix D2RS table was the result of careful consideration and a thorough market study. "We had already moved from phosphorescent plates to a removable sensor," he said. "When we decided to explore fully digital options, Duomed introduced us to Stephanix. After visiting the facility in northern France, it was clear that this system met all our requirements for ergonomics and image quality."

Superior image quality and reduced radiation exposure

One of the most notable improvements since the introduction of the Stephanix D2RS table has been in image quality—a critical factor for Dr. Morimont. "I’m somewhat particular about image quality, perhaps too much so, as some have suggested," he admitted. "But with Stephanix, we've achieved a level of image clarity that is absolutely satisfactory." In addition to the outstanding image quality, the table has also enabled a significant reduction in patient radiation doses. "For several types of exams, we've seen a marked decrease in the radiation dose compared to what we used before."

Dr. Morimont
Insights from Dr. Morimont about STEPHANIX

Streamlined workflow and continued support

The adoption of the Stephanix D2RS table has also streamlined workflows within the radiology department. Dr. Morimont recounted how quickly the new system was integrated into their operations, with the first radiographs being taken just days after installation. "The entire process was remarkably smooth," he noted. Furthermore, Duomed has provided ongoing support to ensure that the system continues to deliver the highest quality images. "Duomed has been diligent in making sure that the image quality meets our expectations," Dr. Morimont added.

The ongoing use of the Stephanix D2RS table at the Center of Radiology in Rixensart underscores its value in modern radiology practices, enhancing both the efficiency and safety of patient care. The center's experience highlights Duomed’s commitment to delivering advanced medical technology that truly meets the needs of healthcare providers

For more information about the Stephanix D2RS and how it can enhance your facility’s radiology services, please contact us or visit our product page.