Back Automatic hand disinfection terminals - Extra Intelligent, high-capacity hand disinfection solution for large flow of people. On luxury stand. Contact us about this product A product by Safe & Clean Safe & Clean Main Characeteristics TIME AND COST EFFICIENT Reduced number of refills: large capacity tank (5 liters). Precision and optimal dosage: ± 5,000 hand disinfections per refill. Hydro-alcoholic liquid (75%) Safe & Clean at competitive prices. HYGIENIC AND SAFE Sensor so no physical contact needed Hands are 100% disinfected No risk of explosion or fire Child Safe 100 % SUSTAINABLE Zero plastic waste: we re-use our refill containers reduced wasting of disinfectant liquid Rechargeable GEL battery PRACTICAL Remote data monitoring using IoT: battery level, statistics and reports, warning, remote power on/off. Dashboard on computer/mobile. Robust and mobile device for indoor and outdoor use. Operates on mains electricity or rechargeable battery. Brand Customization possible. AFTER-SALES SERVICE Delivery, installation, instructions and safety training Annual maintenance contract Worldwide disinfection liquid delivery Documents Extra fr Related products Moisturizing lotion Silonda® Sensitive Silonda™ Sensitive from Ecolab is a non-greasy water-based lotion specially developed to keep the skin well hydrated and protected. Show product info Go Vom - Vomit bag The GO VOM is a portable vomit bag with a cardboard cone at the opening, an anti-reflux valve and an absorbent pad. Show product info Detergents and disinfectants for floors and surfaces - Surfanios Cleaning and disinfection of floors, walls and medical devices. Show product info Ready-to use wipes for disinfection of medical devices - Incidin™ Alcohol Wipes The absence of active residues combined with broad efficacy spectrum in short contact times make Incidin™ Alcohol Wipe ideal for use in healthcare settings. Show product info