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Back Endoscopic Scissors For small and large pedunculated polyps and to prevent bleeding before polypectomy Pre-assembled system Stiff loop Wide opening: 40mm Contact us about this product A product by VYTIL VYTIL Related products Endotie For small and large pedunculated polyps and to prevent bleeding before polypectomy Show product info SmartBand® multi-band Ligation System The SmartBand multi-band ligation system is used for banding esophageal varices, including bleeding esophageal varices, at or above the gastroesophageal junction and to ligate internal hemorrhoids. Show product info BioVac® Direct Suction Device The BioVac® device offers superior suction power and volume during the evacuation of gelatinous materials from the GI tract. Show product info Carr-Locke Injection Needle The Carr-Locke Injection Needle is designed to operate in the most tortuous conditions experienced by an Endoscopist and has become the everyday needle of choice for many around the world. Show product info