Sterilisation Wrap - QUICK CHECK

HALYARD QUICK CHECK Sterilisation Wrap is the fast, easy way to help ensure that instrument sterility is uncompromised.

Two clear colours = one quick inspection
QUICK CHECK securely joins a blue wrap layer with a white layer, so it’s easier to detect if sterility has been breached.
Plus all the advantages of HALYARD ONE-STEP Featuring two layers of wrap thermally bonded along the edges, for:
Single-step wrapping, allowing you to save up to 49% of time
Proven high barrier protection, high strength and optimal aseptic presentation

Featuring unique POWERGUARD Technology
The patented POWERGUARD technology incorporates a stabilised charge in the fibres of HALYARD sterilisation wrap that captures bacteria and helps prevent it from passing through the fabric on to the sterilised device(s) or instrument(s). This technology is unique to Halyard Health in that the treated fabric maintains this capability when challenged with steam or other types of moisture.

Be Assured
Now the fast-to-wrap choice is also faster to inspect,
thanks to QUICK CHECK Wrap technology that helps to ascertain whether a tray is uncompromised. It’s confidence you can quickly pass on!