AI aided colonoscopy - MAGENTIQ-COLO™

MAGENTIQ-COLO™ maintains the clinical workflow of the colonoscopy procedure, aiding the gastroenterologist detect polyps with additional information (size category & type), on the consistency of  the detected lesion. 

As the best performing solution in the market, MAGENTIQ-COLO™ takes the advantages of AI aided colonoscopy, and multiplies their value.

Helping Life-saving experts to save more lives
  1. The MAGENTIQ-COLO™ computing device acquires digital video output signals from the local endoscopy tower* and runs deep learning and supporting algorithms in real time.
    *compatible with leading systems including Sonoscape, Olympus, Fujinon and Pentax.
  2. Video output with the detected polyps highlighted by a bounding box, appears on the main screen or on a separate screen, during the course of the procedure, drawing the gastroenterologist’s attention to suspicious areas.
  3. Size category & type can be presented on the left side of the screen, giving the gastroenterologist additional information on the consistency of  the detected lesion. 
  4. At the end of the procedure, recorded videos with or with-out highlighting bounding boxes can be saved and exported for further examination.
  5. Finally, the MAGENTIQ-COLO™ produces a report which includes the duration of the procedure and finding. The report is presented on the MAGENTIQ-COLO™ monitor and can be exported.

Research shows that for every per cent increase in adenoma detection, there is a 3 per cent decrease in the occurrence of Colorectal Cancer (CRC), the third most prevalent cancer worldwide, and one of the deadliest. 
In this reality, it is no surprise that colonoscopy aided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies, which power diagnostic capabilities, and significantly improve clinical decision-making, has become the new standard in high-performing gastroenterology clinics.