Computer-aided colposcopy with cervical mapping is an innovative technology that creates the data to help healthcare professionals detect cervical lesions efficiently. Using a DYSIS Colposcope, healthcare professionals perform a standard colposcopic examination while the DYSIS proprietary software quantifies acetowhitening changes objectively, to then display the color-coded DYSISmap™.
Expert speaking | Innovative Computer-aided cervical mapping technology
We caught up with Dr. Jacqueline Louwers, international expert in digital colposcopy techniques and a DYSIS user since 2006, about her experiences with the DYSIS technology.
How can the patient benefit from computer-aided cervical mapping? What are the 3 main reasons to convert from conventional colposcopy to DYSIS? What is the learning curve to use DYSIS?
Dr. Louwers is more than happy to share her perspective on these and many other questions in the interview below.
Do you want to receive more info about this innovative technology? Or do you want to experience the DYSIS system yourself? Please do not hesitate to reach out!